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Friday, May 24, 2013

Public Works Visits Bartlett

May 21, 2013
 Here is our thank you letter to the great Goffstown Public Works Department for coming to our school and sharing all their big trucks with us!!

Dear Public Works Department,

Thank you for coming to Bartlett School.   Thank you for teaching us about the things you do and the equipment you use.

Thank you for showing us your trucks and letting us climb in them.  We loved honking the horn.  We liked putting on your gear.  Your gear is really bright so people can see you at night.

Something interesting we learned was that when rain causes a road to crack you fix it.  We learned that you paint the lines on the road, too.  You have many machines that you use.  They are so huge and amazing.  Some of your trucks even had claws.


Mrs. McNamee’s First Grade

PS,  We hope you can come again next year and the pants are great!

Monday, May 20, 2013

News From the Classroom

Readers Theater

Here is our first reader's theater.  This clip is from our rehearsal.  We performed the play in front of our third grade book buddies who were amazed by our expressive reading and respectful behavior!  (They said so!)