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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Remember the Wednesday is an early release day.  Dismissal is at 12:45.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Right at the beginning of the day, we had an all school meeting.  The first grade sang, “5 Little Pumpkins.”  It felt good because we faced the audience.  We could see everyone!   We were the first ones in the gym.  Some of us were nervous.  We were proud!

We had a scramble.  We went to different classes.  Lots of kids made things.  Some kids played games.  We were in different groups.

After lunch we changed into costumes and waited for our book buddies.  We were in a parade in the playground.  We marched with our book buddies and it was fun.  Then we watched Monsters Inc. with our book buddies.

It was the best day ever!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pumpkin Day!

Pumpkin Day!

We had pumpkin math today.  We put strings around our pumpkins to measure how big around they are.  The biggest pumpkin was Connor’s.  It was 25 inches around.  The smallest one was Kylie’s.  Hers was 8 inches around.

We also got to draw faces on our pumpkins and write stories.  We could only weigh one pumpkin because they were too big. 

It was fun.   

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Leaf Man

My leaf man has a friend named duck.  The duck said, "Quack."  The leaf man did not like it.  He lies down for a nap.  The duck says, "Quack!"  
"Oh my that duck is noisy."
"QUIET!"  yelled Leaf Man.  Leaf Man was mad. 
by Sam

News from the Classroom

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Apple Orchard

By Mrs. McNamee’s First Grade
September 25, 2012

We took a school bus to the apple orchard.  It was long, but fun.

When we got to the apple orchard we learned the rules.  Then we got to ride on a tractor.  It had no benches or railings.  We had to sit in the middle of the tractor and sit crisscross applesauce.  We had to keep our hands and feet in the car.   

We went up a hill very slowly and came down a little bit faster.  It felt like we might fall backwards, but nobody did!

When we got to the orchard we met Lenny.   He came from Jamaica.   He taught us how to pick apples.  We had to lift, twist and then pull.  We picked lots of apples.  Every person had their own bag.

At the very end we learned how they make apple cider.   There was a machine with cranks on it to make apple cider.   We got to drink some apple cider.  It was really tasty.

It was fun going to the apple orchard!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

News for September 20

We wrote this news story together.   We shared the pen!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reminder Open House Monday 6:00-6:30

Just a reminder that we have open house on Monday, September 10th from 6:00-6:30.  Yes, children are welcome.  I've planned a scavenger hunt for your child to take you on!

Also, there is no school on Tuesday September 11th due to voting.